Everyday, practical tools for calm and stress management that you can start using right now

Would you like practical & effective tools to help you to feel calm?

Then this toolkit is for you.

Founder: Dr. Kirti Ranchod

How can the Finding Calm Foundations Toolkit

help you?

This toolkit has been carefully designed to give you practical tools that you can use everyday, even on your busy days.
Prioritise yourself. That's all you need to do.

Make calm your everyday normal.

Sign Up Now.

Toolkit Features

Neuroscience Capsules
Neuroscience Capsules

On stress and the brain, and the impact of meditation or mindfulness.

Guided Experiences

A 5-minute practical relaxation experience, visualisation for calm & an activity for shifting mood


Dr Kirti Ranchod is a neurologist, brain health expert and Global Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health. Her aim is to empower people with practical and effective tools combining neuroscience, traditional wisdom and lived experience to achieve this.

Find calm

For happier, healthier relationships.

To thrive at work.

To enjoy yourself

Prioritise yourself

That's all.


Develop the habit

of finding calm.

Simply. Practically. Effectively.

Or when you need it most.

Think Better. Feel Better.

Love & Live Better

With Better Brain Health.

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For Service Providers